Sunday, June 21, 2009

In Case You're Wondering...

...why I've been neglecting this blog.

I assure you, my dear readers, that it hasn't been on purpose. Time has simply been slipping away from me.

Do you remember that I posted back in "Working for the C.I.A." that I would rework my packing list and post it in sections? I thought I'd do it at my leisure.

I'm doing it, however, right now, all at once, because a friend and I have agreed to go to Spain together, date of departure to be determined, and she needs to know what kind of things she needs to buy to prepare for the trip as her traveling thus far has been limited to road trips to move, visit family, or for weekends out of town.

It sounds as though she needs to be subtracting things from her usual packing list to scale down from being able to use an entire car as a suitcase during a road trip to only a carry-on bag for a flight to Europe, doesn't it?

I need to do it all at once, in order to figure out what I can loan her to avoid her wasting money by buying something I already have and we need to figure out what we can share so we don't waste packing space on unnecessarily duplicated items.

I thought I would post the section on hydration last Friday, but it still isn't soup, not quite yet.

Please stay tuned!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Kudos to the USPS!

FedEx called me on Tuesday because they couldn't deliver a gift I was sending to a friend's graduating senior. To his credit, the driver knocked on a couple of doors trying to locate the recipient.

I checked my address book and it was the same. However, the house numbers in that area have only three digits, not four. I finally thought to check the thank you note I received from a gift sent to that home last year and, sure enough, there were only three digits; the third being completely different from the third and fourth digits of the house number that I had.

In hindsight, I should have verified the return address last year with what I had in my address book, but since the family hadn't moved and since I had purchased other gifts online that were delivered there before, it didn't occur to me.

How did the other gifts get there?

I puzzled over it until I remembered that the companies I bought from previously liked to use USPS to ship small packages. Evidently, the mail carrier recognized the family name, ignored the incorrect house number, and delivered my gifts safely.

<cheering and applause>
Kudos to the USPS!