Friday, December 9, 2011

Back to the Drawing Board

Having nearly everything I want for my mobile survival kit, I've been scouring around for the few remaining odds and ends. My latest visits were to a salvage store and a military surplus store.

Finding a reflective safety vest at the salvage store that looks brand new for only $2, I scarfed it up for my car kit along with a canteen for $1.25.

Purchases at the military surplus store were a waist pack, sustainment pouch, insulated canteen cover, and other small miscellaneous items such as a piece of screen to contain the perlite in my Altoids stove and extra fine waterproof sandpaper to glue onto the tops of my match safes to use as striking surfaces.

While I don't like the army camouflage colors of my new waist pack and accessories, I love the price and that they're sturdy enough for the military. A bonus is that everything fits with room to spare for my Cascade II poncho and extra socks plus more if I want. It's perfect for warm weather hiking and to use for the bare essentials for cool weather hiking or backpacking.

The problem is that I can't quite see taking it along when riding in somebody else's vehicle much less using the set-up for air travel.

Back to the drawing board.

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