Monday, April 20, 2009

Susan Boyle SINGS!

I hadn't heard of Susan Boyle, but when I got online to check on a fountain pen last night, there she was in my email, newsgroup, and Facebook accounts. EVERYBODY's talking about her!

So, I clicked the links my friends provided, recovered my dropped jaw, and, after wiping away my tears, went looking for more.

Her performance of "I Dreamed A Dream" from Les Misérables for Britain's Got Talent on April 11 is what grabbed everybody's attention. Watch the YouTube video and keep an eye on Simon Cowell. I'm sure he sighs with pleasure while she sings.

This longer version includes her pre- and post-audition interviews.

On April 16, the Scottish newspaper, The Daily Record, got an exclusive by finding a recording of "Cry Me a River" that she did for a charity CD in 1999.

On April 17, Miss Boyle sang a verse acapella from Titanic's "My Heart Will Go On" for Larry King.

Then, music was added to it.

Yesterday, April 19, Boyle's idol, Elaine Paige, was reported to have suggested a collaboration with Boyle.

The same article mentions another BGT contestant, 39-year-old Julian Smith, a music teacher, who raised the audience to its feet in a standing ovation and brought unexpected tears to the eyes of judge Amanda Holden when he played West Side Story's "Somewhere" on his soprano saxophone.

Good luck to them both! I'm looking forward to buying their CDs.

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